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Begin Your Journey

Your journey into Islam begins here. Discover essential knowledge, resources, and support.

Begin Your Journey

Understanding Islam

  1. Islam is a comprehensive way of life that guides us toward peace, purpose, and a deep connection with Allah (God). As a new Muslim, understanding the core beliefs and practices of Islam is an essential first step.
    The very first thing you would want to look at when starting out is the Five Pillars Of Islam. These Pillars are, The Shahada (Faith), Salah (Prayer),Zakat (Charity), Sawm (Fasting) and Hajj (Pilgrimage)
  2. The 5 Pillars (How To Perform Them)

The Five Pillars of Islam

A Picture Of A Green Quran, A Symbol Of The Shahada, A Testament Of Faith

Shahada (Faith): The declaration of faith, affirming belief in one God and His messenger.

A Picture Of A Man Praying, A Symbol Of The Everlasting Devotion Of Islam

Salah (Prayer): Prayer is performed five times a day to establish a connection with God.

A Picture Of Some Money, Displaying the everlasting generosity of those who believe in the afterlife

Zakat (Charity): Charity is given to support those in need and purify one’s wealth.

Multiple hands, all reaching for some dates, in an attempt to complete their fast.

Sawm (Fasting): Fasting during Ramadan fosters self-discipline and gratitude.

A picture of the Kabba, where every muslim aims to one day visit.

Hajj (Pilgrimage): A pilgrimage to Mecca, a spiritual journey every Muslim aims to undertake.

Practical Next Steps

  1. Okay, So you've learnt about the principles of Islam, and that's great - but now it's time to start applying. Performing Salah for the first time, Your First Fast, Reading (and hopefully memorising) your first Surah of Qur'an can be quite daunting. But never forget that everyone has to start from somewhere, and we all have our own journey. That said, just because your journey is your own, that doesn't mean it has to be done alone! Click the buttons below for guides on Your first Fast, Your First Prayers, And Reading Qur'an!
  2. Next Steps

First Fast / Reading Qur'an

How Fasting works, The timings of fasts, how you should spend your days fasting. How To start learning Arabic, Easy Surahs To Remember, The Importants of certain Surahs, As well as the contextual importance of the Qur'an and how it shapes the life of a Muslim

Fasting & Reading Quran

Praying First Salat

A step-by-step guide on how to perform wudhu, How to maintain Khushoo (Maintaining attention and Humility in prayer) as well as the prayer itself. This will also cover the different types of prayer, from the Fardh (Obligarory) 5 Daily Prayers, as well as Sunnah Prayers, Tahajjud, Salat al Tawba and more.

Starting Salah

Hadiths: The Collections & Their Importance

  1. Hadith refers to the recorded sayings, actions, approvals, or characteristics of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). They serve as a crucial source of guidance for Muslims, second only to the Quran. While the Quran provides foundational principles, hadith offer detailed explanations and practical examples of how to live according to those principles.

  2. Learn More

Speech Etiquette

  1. As the language of Islam is Arabic, there are many phrases that you will hear people use that may sound slightly confusing. Terms such as Masha'Allah (God has willed), Allahu Akbar (God is great) and many others. There are also terms such as Haram and Halal, Hadith, Madhab. Here we will teach you the meanings of these words.
  2. Speech Etiquette

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Important Stories Of Islam

Mobile Slide 1

Story Of Ibrahim

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Story Of Adam

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Story Of Lut

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Story Of Nuh

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Battle Of Uhud

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Battle Of Badr

Mobile Slide 7

Conquest Of Mecca

Mobile Slide 8

The Courage of Hamza ibn Abdul-Muttalib

Mobile Slide 9

The Story of Bilal ibn Rabah

Mobile Slide 10

The Wisdom Of Aisha

Mobile Slide 11

Story Of Ibrahim

Mobile Slide 12

Story Of Adam

Mobile Slide 13

Story Of Lut

Mobile Slide 14

Story Of Nuh

Mobile Slide 15

Battle Of Uhud

Mobile Slide 16

Battle Of Badr

Mobile Slide 17

Conquest Of Mecca

Mobile Slide 18

The Courage of Hamza ibn Abdul-Muttalib

Mobile Slide 19

The Story of Bilal ibn Rabah

Mobile Slide 20

The Wisdom Of Aisha

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